
Here we would like to share the projects OFCA has undertaken for our Firefighters.

Training and Eduction

OFCA started as a database in which companies could be provided training through our certified instructors for wild land firefighting. We built a cutting edge database that would make it easier for our members to verify and look over their training.

One of OFCA’s biggest priorities is to provide proper training and education for our firefighters as the begin their careers and rise through the ranks. We do this by establishing and adhering to strict guidelines on training as well as screening through and providing the best possible instructors for our firefighters. Our training committee is in charge of this project and has been making great strides in order to assure we provide the best training in order to provide the best firefighters.

For Our Fallen Firefighters

One of the saddest realities about this line of work is the inherent danger that our firefighters face each and every day, season after season. Every year more and more of these heroes fall in the line of duty. They give their life to make a difference in the lives of other.

These tragedies affect none more than the families that these heroes belong to. In an effort to help our fallen heroes we are focusing on raising money in order to provide for the families of these fallen heroes in their time of need. We raise money through partnerships, events, and donations.

We would like to ask the public for help as well. Please check out our Take Action page to see how you too can contribute to this cause.